Pros: the watch is great, Cons: the app is buggy and just barely useful. My workout history gets deleted after 24 hours, my workouts are incorrectly labeled. Ill sync and not see any updates, but when I tap on a workout from my history, it will suddenly show my most recently synced workout or daily activity or sleep. When I exit the app and return, my workouts are correctly labeled (usually), but any older workouts are gone. If I want to categorize a workout, its hit or miss, sometimes the workout still shows up as just overall daily activity, sometimes its correctly labeled. All in all, it just feels like a crapshoot trying to get simple data like: what have my sleep patterns been like - for more than just one night at a time. How am I doing overall in terms of workouts, pacing, meeting my daily step goals. I basically get a snapshot of that data for just one day, and then its gone. I wish they had an openly available API that could sync with a better all-in-one dashboard/tracker. Ive resorted to using wahoo for workout history, but that doesnt help me with overall activity goals and sleep patterns.